
Meet Xontros

"Troulis" a.k.a. "Xondros" a.k.a. "Xondremporas"
a.k.a. "Panagiotis" a.k.a. "The boy of the dream" is the quitarist of the Enderwoizend band. He used to play "Maria Dolores" and make impressions of the stingray fish and Mr. Papathoulemas at local festivals but his career saw a tremendous rise when he played one handed quitar for the Enderwoizent.
He started as a merchant but after he discovered his talent in quitar he involved in show business mostly watching concerts of rock bands and forming various groups of his own. He always has been an inspiration for those around him mostly because of his aspiration which forms excellent psychedelic patterns on his blouse.
He got married with Leta and together went to Australia to explore the wildlife and study the culture of aboriginals.
During his stay there he learned how to throw bumerang and got familiar with the aboriginal breathing techinique that allowed him to inhale from the nose and exhale from the mouth simoultaneously which led him to play didgeri-doo as a native.
In the two pictures above we can enjoy him with a moustache he bought at a trickshop.
He likes to sleep, make arrangments with Leo to go fishing, playing his quitar and help people that have had a car accident. He also likes football and his favorite band is The Queen.
He now lives below Kanaria Square.

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