
Leo The Unspeakable

Leo. The Traitor of Mankind. The Man with the Lifted Eyebrow. Irony in flesh. Dissatisfaction in human form. Leo. The enemy of people.
Once there was a secret organisation that was trying to wipe out Leo from the face of the earth, but Leo managed to infiltrate and betray them to their disappointment. From this organisation very few survived and still fighting Leo. One of them is a DJ from Nice called Taki. The other one is my self.
As a sworn enemy of Leo, i am fighting against his infamous Lifted Eyebrow, a malevolent weapon, that he uses in cases of extreme Irony.
When the Eyebrow is Lifted (as shown in the picture), the subject ( any person who is going to be mocked), suffers a relentless attack of Irony from Leo which is impossible to resist. The subject finally falls down to its knees, bursts in tears and leaves totally humiliated.
Another weapon of Leo is the spit. When Leo is trying to defend himself, he uses either Irony and mocking or he tries to make a deal with the enemy and finally betray him. When everything fails Leo loses his temper and starts to spit at his opponent.
This weapon was first recorded at a Tekken battle with Vavouras. When Vavouras found the most annoying attack in Tekken, he immidiately used it against Leo. Leo at first, tried to bribe Vavouras to lose the battle, but Vavouras couldn't understand. After that, Leo was trying to mock Vavouras to lose his concentration but Vavouras still couldn't understand.
Than Leo started to spit saying "Ftousou re pousti". The game was over. Since then Vavouras is missing and Leo never used this weapon again.
But Leo wasn't always a bad person.
In the early years of his life Leo was trying to fit in with mankind. He started playing sports and hanging out with friends. He even participated in a band called "Pa-ragga" due to his heavy voice that the group found interesting, but he found out that there is absolutely no rythm in him. That was fatal.
He hated everyone who had even the slightest sense of rythm in them, and that's the whole humanity except him, and he was trying to eliminate them.
After that he became the threat he is today. Anyway...
Although he doesn't understand music in him, he listens to Portishead, Tool, the Levellers and greek music which he enjoys with whiskey.
He makes arrangements with Xondros and Mpampakos to go fishing (though they never go, and when they go, he never catches a fish).
Leo is treacherous, viciously sarkastic, malevolent, hostile, unfriendly, non rythmical, always dissatisfied and dangerous for himself and others.
If you see him try to avoid him, or he will befool you with his Lifted Eyebrow. If you can't avoid him try to play music against him. The rythm will disorient him and this will give you time to leave.
And most important of all. NEVER but NEVER make a deal with him because it is sure as death that he will betray you at the end. That's Leo. Beware. And try not to speak his name...

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