
I want my child back

I was fortunate enough in my life regarding my friends. They say that you can pick your nose, you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friend's noses... Well with the friends i have everything is possible!
After highschool i was drawn away from my schoolmates that i used to hang out with and started to hang out with a bunch of guys that i met by a common friend.
One of them and his brother, had a basement where they were spending their time watching movies, playing music and generally doin' all kinds of cool stuff and stuff.
As i joined them, the company was growing bigger and as the years passed by, we were becoming closer and closer. We were the "Basements". We could depend on each other and we sure had a great time. What's even better is that now that the basement is closed (for some years now) we still have a great time together.
One of the things that keeps us together is that we all have the need for artistic expression in all kinds of art.
My friends are musicians (performing psychedelic music under the influence of mind altering chemicals called synesthesia), and they have formed many bands like "Manavides" "Pa-ragga" (in wich i have participated) "Human Asteroid" "Enderwoizent" but they also express themselves in other forms of art such as cinema.
I am about to show you a trailer of an unfinished movie that we were filming called "I want my child back" that is an action movie and in which i was the bad guy called Red Dragon.
The film was never finished because of problems in montage and it's a pity 'cause it would be a great movie don't you think?

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we will rise again
Sonaf the master